• Dont forget it is just a game!

    Perfect Prey Part 1

    Perfect Prey Part 1

    From a reader:

    Do you believe that there are empaths who are perfectly suitable partners for sociopaths?

    I have been playing cat and mouse with a certain sociopath for four years now. We have gone back and forth between 'love', hate, jealousy, possession and everything in between, and I can't imagine anyone more intellectually or emotionally stimulating. I consider myself to be in love with this person, and know from their inability to get away from me, they reciprocate this to some degree.

    I have had others boyfriends (all who I believe are empaths), and I couldn't stand them. I am inextricably proud of 'my sociopath' when they are exerting power over others, and I find it hilarious and thrilling when I know that they are trying to manipulate me also.

    M.E.: It makes sense that there would be certain empaths who value sociopathic traits more than others, such that they would be willing to put up with a lot more of the "negative" traits (or not even see them as negative) than most would. And it is odd to read some of the comments and see that some people have had multiple interactions with sociopaths over their lifetime--almost like they are a magnet for sociopaths.

    But I feel like I should give you some unsolicited advice, just because I just got done emailing someone who pushed her sociopath too far and had him abandon her. The tricky thing about sociopaths in relationships is that nothing is certain. You are probably right that your sociopath is intrigued with you, maybe even infatuated. There is no such thing as "can't live without" in the sociopath's world, though. They are extremely adaptable and changeable and if you are gone, they really will hardly notice (if notice at all). That is not to say that they couldn't be a lifelong companion. But, you would have to be like a plate spinner--constantly going from plate to plate, tending to this need here, being ever so slightly difficult and playful there--to keep things going. It's a lot of work, and if you're not naturally interested in those sorts of interpersonal machinations, it might wear on you.

    Reference: relationships-rescue.blogspot.com


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