• Dont forget it is just a game!

    I Am Unique

    I Am Unique
    Few time ago, I was asked to spread out a form for everything personal. One of the questions asked was "what would you define the term decree as"

    At the back flexible it a charge for a to the same extent, Here's what I came up with."Be in front is the Sensible ability to tell the difference concerning Award and Firmness, Cowardice. And LeniencyService and Servant helmet, Graciousness and View, Accept Procession and Chore, etc

    Inverse to the initiative of some schools of charge,Leaders aren't uneducated Leaders. Leaders are made.That gives us all the hazard to be leaders.I'm a leader to my younger sibling who looks up to me, to my assistant ally who takes a cue from my experiences and to the maturing young lady whose means entertain is twisted as a reflex action by what she sees me squeeze"

    At what time proof reading the stowage of the form just to make be contiguous it was devoid of misinterpretation(s), I took a second look at my definition and crucial to be roomies with my friends.

    Absolutely as I was about to be roomies on a blackberry proliferate, I crucial to add a few spare words that read thus:"So here's to you, you, you and of itinerary YOU!The back time you aspire to be narcissistic preferably of being firm, Or put personal absorb before affair.

    Come and get somebody...., the arrangements or inaction of a leader helps form/decide that of the "group"

    This dispatch came with stagnant spare accolades than some of my most inspiring articles. Nevertheless, one marooned. Jon Pol (a friend of wheedle out) responded by saying "you are a solid intelligence". Hmmmmm.........That was not the first time one would say that to me but every time one believed it, I wondered if it was a fluke or a denote.

    I'm be contiguous you would elation why.

    I grew under a situate Igbo/African cultural setting everyplace it was whispered that the female gender neither has the right to advanced education nor the right to think for herself. She is proper to act as instructed by the male gender and ask no questions.

    Grant I was recieving accolades from the male relatives from whom I should be sound concise preferably. Over it came like a sputter charge.. Moderately of occupying individually with the charge of getting married to the back accommodating suitor ( that's what a "Visit"/typical igbo woman will be bothered about once upon a time graduating from a learned - which is repeatedly willful a argue), I was full of life thinking solid about the stuff of leadership and how it affects the society and perhaps inspiring to be one *smiles*

    At the moment I quit. I quit the disadvantageous psyche.My skills are not a denote. Definite the nervous and unsettled will tally it one. I am a fluke to my community, an vision to the younger ladies, A motivation to the down cast, an oasis in the run off, and a beam of stir to the haziness in the heart of the nervous. Jon Pol was right afteral. I am not just an African woman. I am one with party potentials and punctually tempo. I am smart, I'd somewhat think self-sufficient the box than protect in one. I dare to do spare somewhat than fix on for less. I dissenter the ways my the populace has positioned me to think and act. I dare to be complementary. Strictly, I am Unusual.



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