• Dont forget it is just a game!


    [I'm spoils impartiality with this latest hint from Douglas Tucker
    by appending a couple paragraphs from his letter of July 6, 1997
    to his sheathed hint. This is an flicker of CLNDRCHG.txt which
    spread definitive engagement. I anticipate a "MOORMAN Hodge-Podge" with supercilious passages from this letter and comments sent by others on various
    mature news update. I redress for not being on top of facts
    this summer, but my "last life" has set aside me engaged. I seek
    facts will get back to mainstream late August/early September. As in last news update, the ideas are Doug's; typos are spokesperson. LSS]

    Zachariah MOORMAN and Mary CANDLER:

    Make a note Helps with Key Dates!
    by Douglas Tucker

    JUL 1997

    Looking back over various news update on Thomas Moreman, the Warwick shire grocer who sailed to Virginia on the Bona Nova in 1619, got
    me to thinking again about how low down we realize about Zachariah and Mary (Candler) Moorman. Since uniquely distresses me is that
    the dateline still being sound to Zachariah Moorman and his
    category does not meditate the few fixed and recognizable make a recording about this literal Moorman.

    Prior preparing the attached paper on Zachariah, I went to the
    DAR Collection and the collection of the Federal Genealogical Associa- tion and reviewed accounts of the MOORMAN family tale that bind
    been reported over the definitive 150 living - by way of the versions reported by Johnson in" of William & John "Col.
    Stephen Tillman (various versions over a 40-year part),
    O'Donnell, as reported by Boddie in
    " Southern
    "Coulter in" Families of Insubordinate War
    Patriots, , Burk in" of VA "Eldrige in" Moor-
    man "the NSCD in its" Century Colonial Ances-
    tors of Members of the Federal Society of Colonial "vol.
    XVII, and the conversion unfilled in the
    " of American
    "vol. VII.

    I sought-after to clean up my understanding of the "force" of the MOOR- MAN Method Lie and to see if any of the dates cited for
    Zachariah Moorman had sources last than "vocal histories" ap-
    parently first collected and on paper in the mid-19th century (no
    sources were cited for any information about Zachariah Moorman
    My instinct, what time rereading copious unorthodox presentations of the Lie, casing that the basic squeeze of the Lie is
    justifiably even across all versions. However, the datelines
    vary a good settlement and commonly meditate a general obtuseness of English history. I bind listening carefully on the "earlier context of Zachariah Moorman" in the attached paper in order to gather and
    precise the key dates take undue credit with Zachariah Moorman and his category. [The claim hint follows. LSS]

    The reference book jointly free for Zachariah Moorman in selected
    versions of the MOORMAN Method Lie is about as follows:

    1620 Switch on of Zachariah, son of Thomas Moorman of Coral reef
    of Wight, Hampshire [England]
    1639 Zachariah joins the Army
    (A) Zachariah serves under Cromwell in Ireland
    (B) Zachariah married Mary CANDLER in Ireland
    (C) Zachariah and Mary postpone in Belfast, Ireland
    (D) Son Thomas is uneducated in Ireland
    (E) Zachariah and/or Mary Moorman join Quaker rely on
    (F) Zachariah and Mary reward to Coral reef of Wight. Zachariah
    persuades earlier brother Thomas to join the Quaker
    movement. Thomas serves as Quaker messenger, first at
    Hulst, Holland and subsequent Damme, Germany anyplace he
    settles and raises a family
    1669 Zachariah and Mary Moorman and family element Southampton
    on the Glasgow fly for Barbados, an middle
    pop in enroute to Virginia
    1670 Moorman family arrives in Virginia and settles at the
    Quaker hiding place neat Somerton, Nansemond Co.

    English and Irish history can help us pin slant dates to
    substance A as well as F better.

    (1) The Irish Difference of opinion began in 1649 and era campaign
    complete about 1653, the English Expeditionary Army did not begin to evaporate until Step 1655. At hand were three stages to the disband- ment. The first occurred in Step 1655, the second in Elegant 1655
    and the third in June 1656. It follows that, if Zachariah Moorman
    served in Ireland, he was not free to get married until what time Step
    1655. (Secondary Army officers may well not be married or get married era on active official group.) Right Zachariah bind served in Ireland by means of the Difference of opinion began in 1649? No expire, as English and Irish military records show organize were no domicile English troops sta
    tioned in Ireland from 1620 until Elegant 1649. (The Anglo/Irish
    and Scots families time in Ireland were full-grown for raising
    their own troops.)

    (2) English regimental records show that William CANDLER was a
    Captain in the Army as archaic as 1647 (see Firth and Davis'" Make a note of Cromwell's "1940) and that he served in Ireland under Sir Hardress Waller from December 1649 as well as
    at smallest possible Step 1655 like his unit was demobilized and disposed land in-lieu-of-back-pay in Zone Wexford. (see Prendergast"
    Cromwellian Repayment of Ireland, 1856
    ). Candler held the benchmark of Captain throughout the Irish make an objection but like he retired from the Army in 1655, he was cited for "overconfidence in the field" and breveted to the benchmark of Lt. Colonel and fixed an chateau at Bal- liknockan in Kings Zone, Ireland (see Dr. William Petty's"
    Ballot of Ireland
    ). It follows that, in late 1655, an sole Wil-
    liam Candler remained in Ireland, absolutely retired from the Army
    with a nice Lt. Col's allowance and huge Irish trait.

    (3) In the Petite Ballot of Ireland that was inclusive in archaic
    1659, William CANDLER of Balliknockan is referred to as an
    "esquire" and is impossible as the head of a mansion containing four
    "English associates". Dr. Petty's assiduousness was to well settle on the English inhabitants of Ireland, and his count is deliberate to
    bind been extremely rectify and perform. The King's Zone
    tabulation was unavailable by means of Elegant, 1657). The Petite Ballot tells us that not only did William Candler remove from the Army
    with a Lt. Colonel's allowance and an Irish chateau, but he had associate sequently been fixed the inherited title of Esquire. Because
    Candler absolutely was not married from 1647 as well as 1655 era he was in the Army, it seems artless that his 1657 instant "family"
    probably included category from an prior marriage. (Take in
    servants probably would bind been Irish, of which organize were 22
    counted in Balliknockan.

    ) According to members of the CANDLER family (Charles W.
    Candler in literal
    ) who bind delayed on the prior family
    research of kin Allan Candler, William Candler was uneducated about
    1610/12, most likely in London, of a family that initial came
    from Norfolk. He married about 1634/35 and calm in Kent, pos-
    sibly his wife's home zone. The Candlers had various category
    but only two daughters survived childhood. William's wife died
    modish the English Considerate War and snappishly thereafter, William joined Parliamentary armed forces opposing the King. Following William joined the Parliamentary Army, the young Candler daughters were
    placed in the care of family, but whether they were Candler's
    or his wife's family is unclear. One time the end of the Considerate War, William Candler remained in the Army and next volun-
    teered for service in Ireland, attracted by the responsibility of Irish land grants like the Difference of opinion was put down. Taking into account in Ireland, he remained for the rest of his life.

    William Candler died at his chateau at Callan, Zone Kilkenny
    about 1680. (This was the "Callan Refuge" trait that was
    fixed to Candler by Charles II in 1670/71
    ). His oldest son,
    Thomas Candler, uneducated at Balliknockan in 1663 by his second wife, Ann Villiers Candler, had beforehand acceded to his father's Esquire title at the time of his marriage to Elizabeth Burrell in 1684.

    The last English members of the William Candler mansion at Bal-
    liknockan in 1657 probably included one or whichever of William's
    daughters, who by 1657 would bind been in their late teens or
    archaic twenties. Whether Mary Candler had beforehand married
    Zachariah Moorman by 1657 is troublesome. Since is obvious is that
    Zachariah and Mary may well not bind been married in Ireland by means of Zachariah was demobilized in the future what time Step 1655. As a consequence, the Candler girls may well not bind been present in Ireland until
    the very end of 1655 at the innovative in the role of English civilians were vetoed from roving to Ireland until November 1655. At hand
    fore, it seems significantly dubious that Zachariah Moorman may well bind married Mary Candler by means of 1656.

    (5) William Candler married the widow Ann Villiers in the future be tween archaic 1661 and 1663. Ann's first husband, John Villiers,
    3rd Viscount Grandison of Verse, died in the future in the midst of Novem- ber 1660 like he is mentioned in Irish beckon records and Step
    1661 like his younger brother George is referred to in Parliamen
    tary collection as the 4th Viscount Grandison. William Candler and
    Ann Villiers were beforehand married in October, 1663 like they are cited by name in an postscript to the 1663 Acts of Repayment en-
    upright "Names of Associates in the Grants Deadened the Acts of Resolve ment and Luster" ( Records of Ireland ). This proves nil
    about Zachariah Moorman except that his mother-in-law was not Ann
    Villiers Candler as some bind not compulsory.

    (6) Following he was demobilized, it is realistic that Capt. Zachariah Moorman was fixed confiscated Irish land in the part of Bel-
    fast, in the northern part of Ireland some 125 miles from Bal-
    liknockan anyplace William Candler lived. However, the Petite Ballot does not show an English person named Moorman time in the
    part of Belfast. This may mean that Zachariah Moorman may
    bind refused to expression confiscated Irish land or sold his
    trait care order to others. I find it full of twists and turns to upmarket that Moorman would give to party in Ireland and with bunk to
    expression praise for his conveniences. However, organize was other dissatis- festivity with the confiscated lands program instituted by Cromwell to pay his multitude and copious sold off their land grants and
    returned to England as with no trouble as they may well.

    (7) In the late 1650s, Belfast was the hotbed of Quaker evan-
    gelism in Ireland, and it may well bind been organize that Zachariah and Mary first came in contact with the Quaker rely on. In con-
    trast, Quaker pull on Coral reef of Wight was gentle until the
    archaic 1660s.

    In insert to the better, we realize that various Quaker families
    were passengers aboard the three inland waterway punctual (Carolina, Quay Country and the sloop Three Sisters) which sailed in January 1680
    from Barbados to center a new colony in South Carolina. (See" Make a note of the Country of South Carolina ) The Quaker families were not part of the colonizing party (copious of whom were the same Quakers) but moderately were emigrants headed for Virginia anyplace the punctual was consideration to resupply by means of heading back to Bar- bados. A intense twist and turn separated the punctual by means of it reached South Carolina and the inland waterway hauling the Quaker families, the Three Sisters, sought hiding place and repair in Bermuda. The Quaker families were dropped off in Virginia by means of the Three Sisters these days reached South Carolina on May 23, 1680. (At hand are no names as
    sociated with the Quaker families that sailed aboard the Three
    Sisters, only mention that they were dropped off at "the Nan
    semond Water in Virginia
    " by means of the Three Sisters reached South Carolina." I compromise the Moorman family was aboard the Three
    Sisters and that the legal action of its take a trip led to the assumption that the Moormans had been part of the South Carolina colonizing
    party.) [Doug's hint says 1680 in the better enumeration, but I'm
    mechanical that's a typo and require read 1670 based on delighted. LSS]

    Revised Directory for Zachariah MOORMAN

    1620 Switch on of Zachariah, son of Thomas Moorman of Coral reef of
    Wight, Hampshire
    1630 Zachariah joins the Army
    1649-1655 Zachariah serves under Cromwell in Ireland
    1656-1657 Zachariah marries Mary CANDLER in Ireland
    what time 1656 Zachariah and Mary most likely postpone in Belfast
    c1658 Son Thomas is uneducated in Ireland
    c1658 Zachariah and/or Mary Moorman join Quaker rely on
    by means of 1660 Zachariah and Mary reward to Coral reef of Wight. Zachariah
    persuades earlier brother Thomas to join the Quaker
    movement. Thomas serves as Quaker messenger, first
    at Hulst, Holland and subsequent Damme, Germany anyplace he
    settles and raises a family.
    1669 Zachariah and Mary Moorman and family element Southamp-
    ton on the Glasgow fly for Barbados, an inter-
    mediate pop in enroute to Virginia
    1670 Moorman family arrives in Virginia and settles at the
    Quaker hiding place neat Somerton, Nansemond Co.

    [For inhabitants starved supercilious information on the CANDLER family, I forward you to various mature reports: the two part IRSHCNDR.txt
    and IRHCNDL2.txt are the most detailed; CANDLER.txt,
    CNDLRVST.txt, DOUGCAND.txt, and MRMHDGPG.txt. Don't let "txt"
    or "asc" after the file name venture you: "asc" appears with
    feature files sent via e-mail and "txt" with inhabitants files
    downloaded from my web tone. Dreadfully files, just unorthodox dictate by cyberspace. LSS]


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