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    Advice For Guys 18 25 Men Only

    Advice For Guys 18 25 Men Only
    ok..i don't understand why young men make the blunder of having girlfriends. first, you should not handhold g/f. you are not mature or developed to be having a g/f. why do yo want to be tie down to only one woman? if you don't handhold a g/f you can date as spend time at girls as you can. think of them as (baseball pitchers) you need your main ransack call, after that your represent reliever, you need a deceased handed, a right handed and a nearer. you have to handhold a full bullpen developed to go at your keep. if one is having a bad day, after that say I'll get back to you progressive. after that call the next one in line and so on.. investigate, experience..the position in these existence is to handhold sex, as normally as voluntary. if you don't g/f after that you tag currency in import assistance, dinner, movies etc. the only time you want to see them is at night (preferally at what time you been out with the boys) after that call her and is time to hook up. you go her place, handhold sex and go home to watch ESPN. never exercise a gullible night with a girl.Cautionary for guys 18-25 (men only)?You're a moron. Do you respect women at all?Advice for guys 18-25 (men only)?u are such a pig..u just use women..Well. Summon up me not to date you, or any of the dishonest offspring you've sired. How other do you pay for teen support, anyway?Sex doesn't come first....a relationship will fail if sex is a position.....seeing that people who are at what time sex get old...no one will look at them.....Expansion is the maximum significant element in a relationship.....

    Source: young-pickup-artist.blogspot.com


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