• Dont forget it is just a game!


    I am Joaquin,
    Misplaced in a world of sad,
    Puzzled up in a rage of an
    gringo society,
    At a loss by the rules,
    Scorned by attitudes,
    Covert by manipulations,
    And defeated by engineering society.
    My fathers
    munch floating the pecuniary encounter
    and won
    the struggle of cultural life.
    And now!
    I necessity prefer
    the paradox of
    Acquire of the spirit
    in spite of physical neediness
    to come out in the catch
    of American social byzantine
    sterilization of the soul
    and a full stand for.

    I munch come a long way to nowhere,
    Unwillingly dragged by that
    monstrous, technical
    for profit impressive called
    and Anglo success...
    I worked at face-to-face.
    I watched by brothers.
    I barn bawl of gloomy.
    I sow seeds of loathing.
    I fade to the safety concerning the
    Mob of life...
    MY OWN Nation

    I am Cuauhtemoc,
    Self-important and Respectable
    Front of men,
    Emperor of an house,
    courteous beyond the dreams
    of the Gachupin Cortez,
    Who next is the blood,
    the image of face-to-face.
    I am the Maya Prince.
    I am Nezahualcoyotl,
    Effective leader of the Chichimecas.
    I am the sword and burn of Cortez
    the authoritarian
    I am the Eagle and Serpent of
    the Aztec civilization.

    I owned the land as far as the eye
    might see under the pinnacle of Spain,
    and I toiled on my terrain
    and gave my Indian complexity and blood
    for the Spanish master,
    Who ruled with autocracy over man and
    monster and all that he might trample
    THE GREOUND WAS Vista...
    I was every one teaser and slave.

    As Christian cathedral tood its place
    in God's good name,
    to get to your feet and use my Virgin strength and
    Candid group,
    The priests
    every one good and bad,
    gave a fixed wisdom that
    Were all God's juvenile
    from these words grew men
    who prayed and fought
    their own wastage as human beings
    Golden Minute

    I was part in blood and spirit
    of that
    gallant commune holy man
    in the blind date eighteen hundred and ten
    who rang the fear of objectivity
    and gave out that fixed cry:
    "El Grito de Dolores, Que mueran
    los Gauchupines y que viva
    la Virgen de Guadalupe"...
    I sentenced him
    who was me.
    I excommunicated him my blood.
    I flock him from the stand to lead
    a unprocessed conversion for him and me...
    I killed him.
    His foremost,
    which is dig up and all of family
    who munch come this way,
    I placed on that defender wall
    to restrain for Liberty.
    All Companeros in the act,
    STOOD Against THAT Inhibit OF Contaminate
    to feel the hot stab of lead
    which my hands made.
    I died with them...
    I lived with them
    I lived to see our land-living free
    Weak from spanish rule in
    Mexico was Weak ? ?

    The pinnacle was beyond
    all his parasites remained
    and ruled
    and skilled
    with gun and burn and fortune-teller power.
    I worked,
    I sweated,
    I bled,
    I prayed
    waited quietly for life again

    I fought and died
    Don Nenito Juarez
    Shield of the Arrangement.
    I was him
    on crumbly infrastructure
    on completely land
    as he guarantee his history
    as Moses did his sacraments.
    He engaged his Mexico
    in his yield
    the record solitary
    and indifferent ground
    which was his land-living,
    And this Elephant
    Moment Zapotec
    not one palm's richness
    of his country's land to
    Kings or Crowned heads or Presidents
    of weird powers

    I am Joaquin.
    I rode with Pancho Pied-?-terre,
    simple and welcoming.
    A tempest at full strength,
    nourished and stimulated
    by the passion and the fire
    of all his coarse people.
    I am Emiliano, Sapata
    "This Manor
    This Native land
    The Villages
    The Mountains
    The Streams
    belong to Sapatistas
    Our life
    Or yours
    is the only exchange for soft brown terrain
    and maize.
    All of which is our prestigious,
    A creed that twisted a structure
    for all who believe live free!
    "This land is ours...
    Plus, I give it back to you.
    Mexico necessity be free..."

    I course with Revolutionists
    against face-to-face.
    I am Fresh
    Awful and horrible,
    I am the heap Indian,
    first-rate over all.
    The thundering hoof beats are my supply.
    The chattering of piece of equipment funs
    are death to all of me:
    I munch been the Cold and damp Turn round,
    The Champion,
    The Routed,
    I munch killed
    and been killed.
    I am despots Diaz
    and Huerta
    and the apostle of nation
    Fransico Madero.
    I am
    the black shawled
    faithful women
    who die with me
    or live
    depending on the time and place.
    I am
    Juan Diego
    the Virgen de Guadalupe,
    Tonatzin, aztec Divinity too.

    I rode the mountains of San Joaquin.
    I roade as far East and North
    as the Vast Mountains
    all men feared the weapons of
    Joaquin Murrietta.
    I killed family men who dared
    to use my dig up,
    who raped and Killed
    my Akin to
    my Husband
    I Killed to be economical with the truth animated.
    I was Alfego Baca,
    subsist my nine lives acceptably.
    I was the Espinoza brothers
    of the Valle de San Luis.
    were supplementary to the number of heads that
    in the name of vilization
    were placed on the wall of objectivity.
    Heads of brave men
    who died for ruse or reason
    Bulky or Bad.
    Hidalgo! Zapata!
    Murrietta! Espinozas!
    are but a few.
    dared to protection
    The shove of autocracy
    of men
    who rule
    By farce and hypocrisy

    I stand round looking back,
    and now I see
    the present
    and still
    I am the campesino
    I am the fat biased coyote
    of the extremely name,
    In a land-living that has wiped out
    all my history,
    stiffled all my arrogance.
    In a land-living that has placed a
    one and the same wight of degradation upon
    is the new load...
    The Indian has endured and still
    emerged the champion,
    The Mestizo necessity yet overcome,
    And the Gauchupin will just disregard.
    I look at face-to-face
    and see part of me
    who rejects my birth and my close relative
    and dissolves into the melting pot
    to buffalo hide in shame,
    I sometimes sell my brother out
    and reclaim him
    for my own at the same time as society gives me
    indication leadership
    in society's own name.

    I am Joaquin,
    who bleeds in numerous ways.
    The altars of Montezuma
    I stained a unprocessed red.
    My back of Indian Drool
    was in the nude wine-colored
    from the whips of masters
    who would lose their blood so natural
    at the same time as Roevolution made them pay
    Class against the brickwork of
    Has flowed from me
    on every batttlefield
    Campesino, Hacendado
    Slave and Master
    Turn round.

    I jumped from the arise of Chapultepec
    into the sea of fame;
    My country's colors
    my means shroud;
    Whith Los Ninos,
    whose arrogance and audaciousness
    might not forsake
    with degradation
    their country's colors
    To strangers... in their land.
    I dribble in some stinking cell
    from clun.
    or gun.
    or autocracy.
    I dribble as the wicked assistant of neediness
    cut my protection and eyes,
    as I confrontation my way from stingin Barrios
    to the glamour of the Ding
    and lights of distinction
    or mutilated gloomy.
    My blood runs natural on the ice coated
    hills of the Alaskan Isles,
    on the federation strewn seashore of Normandy,
    the weird land of Korea
    and now
    Viet Nam.

    Arrived I stand
    prior the Supreme Court of Uprightness
    for all the chaos of my Raza
    to be sentenced to shadow.
    Arrived I stand
    Plan in grant
    Proud with arrogance
    Fearless with Machismo
    High energy in audaciousness
    Encumbered in spirit and group,
    My knees are coated with mud.
    My hands calloused from the hoe.
    I munch made the Anglo rich
    Identicalness is byt a word,
    the Harmony of Hidalgo has been downtrodden
    and is byut in mint condition faithless likely.
    My land is floating
    and stolen,
    My the populace has been raped,
    I postpone
    the line at the safety way in
    and cover the jails with misdemeanor.
    These furthermore
    are the rewards
    this society has
    For sons of Chiefs
    and Kings
    and unprocessed Revolutionaries.
    gae a weird people
    all their skills and adroitness
    to pave the way with Intelligence and Blood
    for family hordes of Gold bars starved
    Who dissimilar our language
    and clich our comings and goings
    as feats of pluck
    of their own.
    They frowned upon our way of life
    and took what they might use.
    Our Art
    Our Characters
    Our music, they disregarded
    so they left the real substance of consequence
    and grabbed at their own hurt
    by their Ravenousness and Greediness
    They unobserved that quickly greatly o
    nature and brotherhood
    Which is Joaquin.
    The art of our great senores
    Diego Rivera
    Orozco is but
    in mint condition act of conversion for
    the Link of mankind.
    Mariachi music, the
    heard and soul
    of the people of the terrain,
    the life of child,
    and the happiness of love.
    The corridos tell the tales
    of life and death,
    of try,
    Myths old and new,
    of Joy
    of passion and gloomy
    of the people: who I am.

    I am in the eyes of woman,
    fastened base
    her shroud of black,
    well-built and tortured
    That hold the tender of sons long buried or on your last legs,
    Passed away
    on the combat zone of on the barbwire
    of social breakdown.
    Her rosary she prays and fingers
    like the family
    piece down a row of beets
    to turn encircling
    and work
    and work
    Communicate is no end.
    Her eyes a mirror of all the rawness
    and all the love for me,
    An I am her
    And she is me.
    We protection life together in gloomy.
    ander, joy, group and wishful
    way of thinking.

    I barn bawl of despair
    as I see my juvenile buffalo hide
    put off the darken of mediocrity
    never to look back to memory me.
    I am Joaquin.
    I necessity confrontation
    And win this struggle
    for my sons, and they
    necessity ask from me
    Who I am.
    Par of the blood that runs well-built in me
    Could not be bested by the Moors.
    I beaten them following five hundred years,
    and I endured.
    The part of blood that is dig up
    has sore endlessly five-hundred
    years under, the heel of immodest
    I am still here!
    I munch endured in the unbending mountains
    of our land-living
    I munch survuved the toils and slavery
    of the fields.
    I munch existed
    in the barrios of the city,
    in the environs of sexism,
    in the mines of social snobbery,
    in the prisons of dejection,
    in the fertilizer of mistreat
    and in the warm hospitable of racial eyesore.

    And now the state sounds,
    The music of the people stirs the
    Turn round,
    Equally a napping impressive it slowly
    rears its foremost
    to the clang of
    Trampling feet
    Clamouring voices
    Mariachi strains
    Hospitable tequila explostions
    The have in your sights of chile verde and
    Elastic brown eyes of expectaion for a better life.
    And in all the loaded tend lands,
    the completely plains,
    the heap villages,
    billows messy cities
    We front to Throw.
    La Raza!
    or anything I call face-to-face,
    I look the extremely
    I feel the extremely
    I cry
    Tweet the extremely

    I am the piles of my people and
    I trash to be multifaceted.
    I am Joaquin
    The odds are great
    but my spirit is strong
    My group firm
    My blood is natural
    I am Aztec Prince and Christian Christ
    I Will ENDURE!


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