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    Everyone In The World Is A Marketer So Be Special

    Everyone In The World Is A Marketer So Be Special
    Everyone In the World is a Marketer so be special is a mantra we can use to help us find the way for us to be our best. Priscilla Palmer has written this post on what that means and how you can change the way you feel by using anchors.

    Everyone in the world is a marketer whether we realize it or not, we all have something to sell. We market ourselves to potential employers, friends, and even loved ones. We may market products for the company we work for or even for our favorite brands.

    One of the simplest and best definitions of marketing I've ever heard is - "we are marketing any time we are trying to persuade someone to do or think anything". Going with that definition you can see that we market every single day of our lives. The good thing is that marketing is a skill that anyone can improve upon.

    When marketing it is always important to be the best you can be. For instance would you be more likely to date someone who looks and smells like he/she hasn't taken a shower in three weeks or someone who is well groomed? This may be an extreme example but it does get the point across.


    One way to improve your marketing skills whether you are selling products or yourself is by learning to use NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). Here is an example of how NLP can be used in the work place to sell a product.

    Imagine that you are a sales representive for an electronics company. One morning you wake up late you jump in the shower and as you get out you realize you forgot a towel. You jump out of the shower and in your rush to find a towel before you soak the floor you fall and bump your head. Irratated you get up and and find your towel.

    As you are getting ready your child comes in and says "I missed the school bus." So, you drive your kid to school but on the way there your kid spills his red Kool Aid all over your beige colored work pants. Now you have to run home and change.

    You call your boss tell him your running a bit late but your on your way. Finally your on your way to work. Then on your way to work some guy drives up beside you and you can't get around him therefore you miss your exit. Ugggghhh! Can the day get any worse?

    When you get to work your boss is obviously irritated and throws you your time card saying "Next time you'll be fired"!

    Okay, you take a deep breath and walk out on the sales floor. You see a man looking at some big screen TV's and you walk up to him asking him if he'd like some help. The man looks up at you and snaps "You don't really expect me to pay such outrageous prices for these things do you?!

    Now you've already had a bad day and what you really want to do is snap back at him but, you know you can't do that. You need to change your emotional state and pronto! You want to get yourself pumped up and excited about these TV's so you can sell one to this man. Lucky for you you've prepared for this type of thing.


    NLP uses a technique where you mentally tie a word of your choice to an emotional state. Let's say in this case your word is "Absolutely" and you have tied this word to a feeling of being "unstoppable and on top of the world" - You know that when you feel like this you can sell a hairbrush to a bald man!

    You look the man directly in the eyes and you force yourself to say "Absolutely" in the most excited voice you can. Immediately you feel all the excitement and energy just start pouring into you.

    The man looks at you like your crazy but you know that you can sell anything. You tell the man "Yes, Absolutely! Do you know that this particular TV has. Pretty soon your excitement rubs off on the customer and poof you've made your first sale.



    The way Priscilla sees this is one we can all start using today to know that Everyone In The World Is A Marketer So Be Special.


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