But what I have repeatedly returned to after each circuitous journey of ideas is the concept of connection with others. If I hold any belief as true, it is this: My life is defined and given meaning by the relationships I cultivate with people. It is how I conduct myself in these interactions -- these connections -- that determines my worth and whether my life has lasting meaning beyond my short time on this planet. And where I have found the most satisfaction and meaning is in those relationships underpinned by three things -- an ease of concentration, and inherent benevolence, and a natural affection.
Most relationships suffer from a lack of concentration. We get so wrapped up in ourselves and our things that we end up paying half-hearted attention to our spouses, children, family and friends -- the people we claim to value the most. We are all guilty of it to varying degrees. If someone is unsatisfied in a relationship, you can almost guarantee a large part of the problem is a lack of concentration from one or both sides of the equation. Through the simple act of giving someone your undivided attention, if even for just a few minutes, you send a unequivocal message that their thoughts, emotions and offerings are worthwhile. Relationships that thrive have an unforced ease of concentration, a true desire to pay attention.
An inherent benevolence exists in meaningful connection, where the meaning is derived from a desire to have a positive effect in another person's life. The relationship is not satisfying as a result of what we get out of it, but rather because of what we offer to it. Again, as with concentration, true benevolence requires us to put aside our selfish motivations and attend to others.
Affection is often thought of in its most narrow interpretation, that of the expression of physical attraction. But in every lasting, meaningful relationship, there exists a natural affection between people. Whether the between parent and child or brother and sister, between two best friends or two romantic lovers, deep human connection is affectionate -- emotionally, intellectually and physically. Affection, at its core, is the most tangible expression of what a relationship means to us. To deny affection is to rob our relationships of the energy to thrive.
Over the past few months, it has become clear that I am innately defined by my human relationships. It is through my connection with others that I derive meaning and purpose.
Credit: art-of-kisses.blogspot.com
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