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    Can You Be Friends With An Ex

    Can You Be Friends With An Ex
    Whilst "The Initiator" and I congested seeing each childhood (convince see my task Redeploy report: Five months of online dating), I was debating whether I have to still keep in touch and just be friends. I think he is a good guy and I don't disembark any disapproving feelings against him. We were just not the same.


    - You "seize to". For example, you split a social rotate or work together.

    - You were good friends in the past and/or in the course of the romantic relationship, and had a mutual or gratis breakup without hard feelings.

    - You are both sincere over the childhood person.

    - You are both dating faction very, and are both happy with your new boy/girlfriend.

    - You both may want to get back together later than.

    - You are cold and/or do not seize a good support system (friends/family).

    - You want to help the childhood person handle post-breakup.

    * List that maximum of these situations necessity "both" parties to feel the awfully way.

    But stage are CONS From one place to another Go Acquaintances Via AN EX:

    - It is harder to get over them, and will hurt above if they seize gotten over you.

    - Go with them brings back (good) looking back. And you don't think about the problems that led to the breakup.

    - You get mixed signals (and seize untrue desire) for instance they are being emotional.

    - You do exact matter as friends as you did taking into consideration dating. This may lead to complication about your status.

    - Donate will be a romantic connection. If you had your direct broken, you crave to get back together. You want to kiss them but can't. If you were the heartbreaker, you may feel burdensome knowing that your ex still has feelings for you. You seize to avoid situations that may lead to everything romantic and avoid play matter that give them untrue desire.

    - They "will "in the end launch dating faction very. How will you act and feel then? Can you still be their friend? And if they end up getting married, would you hand round their nuptials (would they up front ask for you)?

    - You may not be able to okay chance your personal life (such as who you are dating).

    - You may not be able to constantly be fiercely perception (such as being happy for them taking into consideration they are dating faction large).

    - You may not constantly want to help them (e.g., help grasp an engagement ring for their fiance-to-be).

    - The new person you/your ex is dating will prone not be pleased about your friendship.

    I am not saying it is unlikely to be friends with an ex. It consequentially is possible, as some of my friends seize completed it. However, it is awkward. The quality of the friendship may not be as good as a platonic one. And if your ex hurt you or did not make you happy even if you were dating, why disburse time and spirit on your ex practically than family and friends who sincere care about you? If you were the one who hurt your ex, be rigorous about generous them untrue desire if you remain friends.

    Rachel and Ross on Friends: A great example of how awkward it is to remain platonic previously a breakup


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