• Dont forget it is just a game!

    31 5 Weeks

    31 5 Weeks
    I feel like a broken record lately, but I just can't grasp how quickly this pregnancy has gone! For some reason, maybe because we've waited for years for this baby, I thought being pregnant would go just as slowly as waiting to be pregnant. But nope.We have about 8 1/2 weeks before we meet our baby. Holy. Cow.Here's the update:CRAVINGS:- meat. My bod and the babe must need iron, cause I could eat steak all day. Husby thinks it awesome =)- carbs. Perhaps to balance out the meat?Sleep:Not too bad - I wake up two or three times a night to use the bathroom. Have I told you about our little routine? =) I wake,'roll' over and say 'Jare? I gotta go.' And he sleepily says 'ok', gets up, gives me a hand to pull myself up ("the full bladder actually hurts, so I need help sitting up"). I go, and usually he just stands by the bed. Sometimes he has to go turn down the AC further (64ish) 'cause I'm burning up. I finish and roll back into bed, and we fall back asleep.TMI? Nah - I'm logging memories! =)HOW I'M FEELING:Overall, really good. I totally thought I'd be sick through the whole pregnancy, but I haven't since about month 4. I am so very thankful!- Baby is moving around like a champ - less kicking and more soft rolling. I love it. No matter what's going on around me, when I feel that gentle rocking and rolling, I smile and giggle. - Last week I got a terrible leg cramp - honestly, I worry about labor because of the pain level of this leg cramp. Husby said it was the worst he's ever seen. I just cried and wailed... uff da. Since then I've upped my water intake and focused on getting more calcium and potassium. DOCTOR APPOINTMENTS:We are at every other week now! Last month ("at our final monthly appt") I had gained a lot of weight. Totally within the normal zone, but it seemed like a lot. Then two weeks later, I hadn't gained any (still totally normal). Weirdo. As a result, I've got my first stretchies ("my cute nickname for the fiery streaks going across my belly"). They actually were kind of scary - they look like they're going to split open! But they're just stretchies. =)CONTRACTIONS:When I work a shift at the store, I get some pretty good Braxton Hicks contractions. It's a good thing I only have a few more shifts before taking leave.BABY GEAR PURCHASED:Nothing more since the last update. But on Thursday, the sweet ladies in my small group (more about that soon) threw me a surprise shower! They purchased all of the baby bath gear. We were sniffing and swooning =) And this Thursday is my first (planned) shower! Can't wait to show you all pictures! THE BUMPER: taken on October 7th - my 29th birthday!-anna{girlwithblog&baby}anna{girl with blog}
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