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    Nlp Technique Nlp Anchoring

    Nlp Technique Nlp Anchoring


    NLP anchoring is a technique that can be used to help control emotions. This NLP article by Ben Tien explains anchoring and its uses.

    There are one of NLP technique called anchoring. NLP Anchoring consists in voluntarily leveraging the unconscious stimulus-response mechanism in each of us. It's a conditioning tool and mechanism. Whenever you find yourself in an optimal state you wish to return to in the future, choose a unique stimulus and trigger it repeatedly to really condition it.

    NLP anchoring techniques are methods that help you control your emotions every time. If you need a surge of confidence right before a stage performance, NLP anchoring techniques can help you muster up the courage to sing and dance like a true performer. It's quite a handy skill to have in almost any situation you can think of.

    By using NLP anchoring techniques, you will be able to harness these emotions when you need. You start out by thinking of the emotion you want to feel at the moment. For example, you want to feel refreshed. Think back to that time when you and your friends were up on a hill, enjoying the cool breeze.

    Whenever you find someone in a specific state, you can anchor it with a specific look or facial expression. Allow them to drift out of that state and then make that facial expression again. Notice what happens.

    Have you ever been working on a project and then, all of a sudden, a song comes on the radio that reminds you of incredibly memories of your teenage or college years? I'm sure you have. In that case, that song is an anchor in your life. Whenever you hear it, you spring back into a specific state.

    Everything and anything is an anchor. You will be amazed at all the positive emotions you have experienced and how it is possible to re-create these feelings again just by thinking about them. Do this and you are well on your way to being the boss of your emotional state.

    Ben Tien has been writing many articles about NLP and Hypnosis. He is the educator of personal development with a strong focus on effective communication.

    Click on this link to read another NLP Anchoring Technique article by Ben Tien


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