• Dont forget it is just a game!

    Two Men Need Our Help

    Two Men Need Our Help
    James LeBron, and Michael Jordan need our help.

    They have both announced plans to get married.

    James LeBron Announces Engagement

    Michael Jordan Announces Engagement

    When I hear about big stars announcing plans to get married, I always write the MEN in question letters, and try to talk them out of it. Also, if I hear about a MAN in a bad relationship, I do the same.

    One example: I wrote Tiger Woods a letter pleading with him to divorce his wife. The reason - I did not want to see him turn into the next Phil Hartman. Also, every day that he remained married, is another day he earned more money for a despicable thief or an over-priced hooker (take you pick) to steal more money from him.

    What I ask you to do is not sign a petition that requires 1000 signatures. Those are silly (although I participate in all of them). 1000 signatures from around the globe will not help 1 single DA from Maine get disbarred.

    However; one well-written and very polite letter addressed from one man to another might just get through to either of these two men about to sign a contract with the government to have half of their money STOLEN from them by a thieving over-priced hooker.

    Here is the contact information for Michael Jordan:

    E-mail: http://www.cbssports.com/u/jordan/chat/email.html


    Jump, Inc.

    676 North Michigan Avenue

    Suite 293

    Chicago, IL 60611

    Phone: 312-751-9595

    Here is the contact Information for LeBron James:



    LeBron James

    LRMR Management Company, LLC,

    1360 E 9th Street

    Suite 823

    Cleveland, OH 44114

    I plan to be polite in the letters I send them, and point out Kobe Bryant, John Cleese and others - in an effort to explain to these two men, that marriage is not worth the price tag. Or more accurately, divorce is not worth it - which is what all marriages end in - especially with big stars like these guys.

    If these guys get "JUST ONE LETTER" that gets through to them, we could stop them from making a "BIG MISTAKE".

    Also, if we focus our efforts on people who are "in the spotlight", people might just start to notice...

    Think about this: You will be trying to help a fellow man from making a mistake, and, at the same time, prevent some crook from stealing his money.

    Just imagine what would happen if rich sports stars stopped getting married...

    This does not require 1000 signatures.

    This only requires 1 well written letter from the right person who knows how to get through to MEN like this.

    I am certainly going to give it a try.

    Is it none of my business?

    Trying to prevent somebody from stealing money from a man IS ENTIRELY 100% MY BUSINESS.

    Trying to prevent a gynocentric government from stealing money from a man by PIMPING one of its HOES is 100% MY BUSINESS.

    Trying to prevent some pretentious woman from fooling a man into thinking she likes him IS ENTIRELY MY BUSINESS.

    If you have a problem with that - GOOD!


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