• Dont forget it is just a game!

    About Pick Up Guys And Dating Coaches

    About Pick Up Guys And Dating Coaches
    Life has been busy, i am as usually working on bit projects. I figured i will post some of my thoughts on the community and what i see happening.

    Big companies like Love systems, RSD are getting hurt, it easy to see from the way they send out newsletters. Pickup and dating coaching is as luxury as it gets. Small and medium size companies are closing, after finding out that pick up is much much harder industry then it is in good times.

    As i have predicted there is a lot more 1on1 concentration in community now, especially among small and medium players. The latest thing i have seen some guys do is give seminar and asking to donate or decided if they want to pay or not upon completion. This is what i call desperation, it means past sales strategies are not working.

    I was also right about pick up guys moving to call themselves dating coaches, in fact it is going further then that, it is as if some companies want to leave pick up artist names behind all together. I dont know if some of them read my blog, or came to conclusion themselves but the move to dating coach term is very obvious.

    In new york i see profilifration of small groups, my nyc wingmen used to be one of the few, but in the past year i have seen at least 10-15 new groups get started. That is a big difference. Cheap events seem to be the rage right now, seens you don't have to be good enough to teach, but you can still organize meetings and then maybe start teaching once you have solid following.

    What i saw last year was panic in pick up community, as recession took hold, dating coaching while important is not food or sleep, it can wait. Thats what i see guys do now, they wait. Or if he cant wait he might do only one workshop, instead of do a few to see what is better for him.

    Pick up artist didn't became a glamorous term and it never will.Sign up for Pick up Future RSS feed.

    Reference: quickpua.blogspot.com


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