First dates are always tough. The two of you are just getting to know each other and your nerves probably have you worried and excited. You want to make a good impression, but you also don't want to deal with completely changing yourself for someone who may not even like you. Some men go on first dates thinking that if a woman can't handle them the way they are, then that woman isn't worth their time. While that is an okay way to think, it may limit the type and the amount of women you date. If you really want to be able to impress any type of woman you take on a date, there are a few things you need to do to make sure that she doesn't leave never wanting to see you again.
"Do not eat something that you are allergic to"
As much as we like to impress women, you have to keep in mind that there is definitely a thing as being too flashy. If you take her on a dinner date, stick to a restaurant that's in your price range. If you decide to take her to an expensive restaurant, let her know that you saved up for this date. She will be impressed that you cared enough to do so.
You may also want to consider taking her to a restaurant you've been to be before, or to at least order a meal with food that you are familiar with. There is nothing worse than going out to dinner with a beautiful woman only to find out that you have just eating something that you're allergic to, or something that completely turns your stomach upside down.
Do not order for her. You may have seen it get great results in a movie, but in real life, it doesn't work. Even if she tells you what she'll be having, let her order her own food. We found out the hard way than when you order a woman's food, it makes her think that you're too controlling.
You're a grown up, we know. But you still want to make sure that every other word you say isn't a swear word. Get a handle on your potty mouth before your date. Even if your date is fun and flirty, she may still be turned off if you seem to be cursing too much. A little bit of profanity never killed anyone, but keep it light.
Also, make sure that you don't go overboard with your flirting. You should definitely flirt with her, but don't throw too many suggestive comments or blatant innuendos at her. It may be cute the first time you do it, but even cute things can become annoying if she has to hear it too much.
These are just a few things that you should avoid while on a first date. The things you need to avoid typically depend on the woman that you're dating. However, we've found that these tips work for all women in general. Don't forget to use them, so that you can hit the second date mark with ease.
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