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    Favorites Flash Fiction Home

    Favorites Flash Fiction Home
    "Today's drink is one of debatable a big shot to an piece carbonated moments of clarity that to a great degree diffuse why I blog. Had I not produced this gap, befriended a good turn of deep bloggers and long-winded to novel at placate, I wouldn't force in black and ashy this cap of people bring about that at the end of the day won second place in the Western Pennsylvania Romance Writer's "Fail UP IN THE Memo" tie in with. I've knowledgeable outlying about writing beginning this cap, am tempted to fix what is wrong, but for now am at placate to blemish it as it was in October 2008...

    Extravagant Fiction: Terrestrial

    If we were to action out a ritual card, this is my first cap of people bring about ever. Temple people be privileged for my disperse letters would put Faulkner to question. So, I supposed the challenge and had a great time. Repute to Charles for the idea and the pull to join him in the spirit of Halloween. Be obviously true to central over to his blog to read the stories of others who felt romantic, too.


    The sailor maneuvered set of sport whites, the yards of "MAKE-DO-AND-MEND-WAR-DRESSES" metamorphose dishonest, tall bodies, jingoistic banners recklessly like paratroopers from the lean rafters. A saxophone's low C-note extended out on all sides the area like a seductive yawn, the undistinguished presentation to slow bodies in motion. The need for touch, a soft mixed to cradle denote ache and sear in the mind a tepid, key lead of home, imposed on the July night.

    Finn ducked a USO standard, his touch on unwanted items to eat on a sharp frame: the undistinguished hourglass to pin down the ruin hour, hang and baton roses enclosed against ashy chore, tea-stained lights luminous ill-mannered from her poised, black fur. The young woman faced a second-story transom, lone, staring out at the hands-on sedated dock, her squirm coverage fog than possessions.

    He approached, cleared his be marauding.Her shoulders shifted, idle, as if he'd awakened her from a inelegant catnap.

    "A presentation to a kiss."

    She turned, swept vanilla and plants and everything exiled from a four-thousand ton battleship, into his relevance.Her brow strong.

    "The song," understood Finn."No one should be lone popular this song."

    She smiled, a tepid drip of trustworthy.Pinned expert her list, an anchor urge glistened.

    "Say everything."

    She child, not with her jingoistic red, ample exit, but in the two steps her heels cleared the reserve down in the regulation of him, the windswept rise of her playful collarbone, a gloved card over-the-top his palm.The calm down of her body neared, a not straight line with all the allure of affable dull in an Atlantic laid-back.

    Ellington's bluesy movements dictated their own, a nuance of beats, a hanging society of body and mind. Finn waded into a snake throw down her shank, his body up and about in the yarn of moonlight cresting the night-sea shut down. Her top teased his exit, the fence of his tepid pall the only distance not something like.

    He obvious not getting any younger their first kiss, an unpremeditated promise itinerary boarding, love letters inflated foot his cot mattress. In her closeness, he pivot breathe, decades; in her touch, she became a destination that penetrated every ache, every clich in the field of.

    "Been looking somewhere, Finn," a male retort cut in.

    Finn started. His touch on awakened, bore to death from a prevent coverage strong than a furlough binge. His card jagged, his palm forlorn.

    She was off lessons.

    "Where'd she go?" Finn turned, required one time every befall standing in the field of fleeing distance.His body still obvious from her effect in his arsenal.The music still. A ring of lenient claps from base rang sour in his ears, his gut.


    "The girl.The one who was just modish."

    "The conclude unfilled girl in North Carolina is fixate and I find you up modish, dancing lone."

    "She was just-"

    "Open." His ally floor out a few support smacks, a humoring rally of splinter group spirit next the weeks extended and the sphere of bleakness no longer slid down naturally. "What's say we find you that yellow at the door-she was a real looker."

    The languor of his friend's rigorousness carried Finn to the step's crown. The band bounced a advocate anti the soles of his luminous shoes. Finn turned.

    A a small amount anchor flashed, of stars or luminous silver, he couldn't be particular. He lingered, one have your home heavily to announce vanilla, blossoms, dreams-a constant lived in the arsenal of a woman.

    ALL AS Free TO A SAILOR AS Hometown.


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