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    Hyeri Assures She Still Dating Tony Girl Day Sweeps Up College Festivals With The Hyeri Effect

    ARTICLE: [After the Exclusive] 'Dating' Girl's Day Hyeri, "I'm still dating Tony Ahn"

    Source: Sports Seoul via Nate

    Hyeri: "After we went public with our relationship, our schedules have been busy so we haven't been able to meet often but I've been texting and calling him. We haven't broken up."

    Dream Tea: "Honestly, after their dating news broke out, Hyeri has risen in popularity but her individual activities haven't increased. The team name has been receiving more public recognition so they have been getting a lot more event invitations. They performed at over 40 different festivals last month. Her dating became a favorable factor.

    We think the group's sudden rise in popularity is a combination of their good song, point dance, and the dating news. We haven't asked Hyeri directly about Tony Ahn but the other members seem to be welcoming about it as well."

    1. [+184, -69] They probably did it, right...?

    2. [+132, -30]

    1996 Tony: (singing HOT lyrics)

    1996 Hyeri: (baby babble)

    3. [+128, -104] I feel really bad for Hyeri... She should be dating someone her age. Anyone who's older will have a lot of dating experience and it's just not the same as dating someone on the same level. There's something fresh and passionate about young love that you just can't find as you age and mature. You wouldn't be able to trade a billion bucks for the experience of being someone's first love.

    4. [+48, -21] When I was 20 years old, I thought the seniors who were back in school after being discharged from the army were like ajusshis... How could you even think of dating a 36 year old.

    5. [+30, -12] None of us are curious or jealous. Why would we be jealous of her having sex with a guy who looks like a monkey.

    6. [+26, -4] A sponsored relationship

    7. [+21, -2] Win win situation. Girl gets popularity, guy gets to date a young girl.

    8. [+16, -1] Women are attracted to money and power. They just call it love.


    ARTICLE: [After the Exclusive] Girl's Day sweeps up the college festival events in May... 'Hyeri dating effect'

    SOURCE: Sports Seoul via Nate

    1. [+30, -8] Nono, it was all for SECRET but they all switched over to Girl's Day because of Hyosung's ilbe scandal.

    2. [+29, -9] Hyeri effect Hyeri's dating someone who could be her dad, give the other members some credit instead

    3. [+12, -5] The Hyeri effect is what you call a negative effect

    4. [+8, -6] The SECRET effect

    5. [+5, -6] Hyosung's democratization effect



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